First Presbyterian Church of Canisteo
Welcome friends, neighbors, visitors, curious folk and those who already know us. You are all welcome as Christ would welcome you. We are a very accepting, open and inclusive congregation. Many of us come from different denominations, even different towns, and we have all found a home here. We are all part of the family of God. We hope you enjoy being part of our church family too.

Because we are the oldest Christian community in Canisteo, founded in 1852, our church looks very traditional. But our interests and activities are very much today! Look around our website. Even better come and visit us on Sunday. Church is at 11:00 AM. We are an active force in our Community and are still growing and offering important services.
Contact Us:

First Presbyterian Church of Canisteo
10 Main Street, Canisteo, NY 14823
Pastor Michelle Serra
Dani — Church secretary
Church office hours are Monday through Thursday: 10 AM - 1 PM
Phone: 607-698-2589
E-Mail: cpresbyterian1@verizon.net
The church office is located on the Maple Street side of the church.

Somers Hall
What You Need to Know
Somers Hall was originally built as an addition to our church in 1923 for the purpose of holding basketball games, fairs, and other community events. Renovated in 1955, the hall is still a vital part of the village.
Today Somers Hall is the home of the Canisteo Valley Youth Center which is sponsored by our church. Anywhere from 20-40 young people meet here after school each night. A safe supervised environment is provided for them. The gymnasium lends itself to a number of active games with basketball being the most popular. Several of the center's programs are educational with the main focus on character building and making good choices. Special events include dances, holiday parties, and field trips to out-of-town-activities. the center is fortunate to have both outstanding programming and leadership!
Youth Center Hours are school days 3-5:30 p.m.
The Youth Center is administered by Hornell Area Concern For Youth.
Other Church Events
Fellowship Time immediately after worship
Special breakfasts and dinners
Crazee Daze dessert sale
Somers Hall is also the meeting place for community activities
Canisteo Rotary Club
Cub Scouts and their many activities
Christmas in the Village
Music in the park, rain location
Practice area for sports groups and similar events
Polling place for Canisteo elections
Wedding receptions, showers
Funeral dinners
Large parties, meetings
Somers Hall Rules
We make it easy to reserve Somers Hall for your event.
Contact the church at 607-698-2589 for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What time does the church service start?
A. 11:00 AM. Sanctuary is open for private worship during office hours.
Q. What should I wear to church?
A. There are no fashion rules for church.
Q. What happens during a service?
A. We sing a hymn. We ask God to forgive us for our sins and we read from the Bible. The minister speaks to us (the sermon) usually about something that was just read from the Bible. We sing another hymn. We pray for the world, our neighbors and ourselves. We take an offering that is used to keep the church open and at work in the community. We sing another hymn. We are blessed and we are done!
There is almost always Fellowship Time after the service!!!!
Q. What is Fellowship Time?
A. Well it is not always a firm hour and there is always more than coffee. We like to enjoy a little fellowship and spend time with our church family members, catching up on the weeks’ events. Coffee and soft drinks are served in Somers Hall after the service. There are usually cookies or cake; a little something to eat with your coffee and conversation.
Q. What if I am not a Presbyterian?
A. You do not have to be Presbyterian! We come from many different churches – Methodist, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran and we all find a church home here. Some of us have no specific church affiliation.
Q. What if I don’t know anything about going to church?
A. Please come! We will give you a program so you know what we are doing. (See the question above, "What happens during a service") The hymns are in a book in the pew racks. Don’t be shy. If you have questions please ask – we love to talk about Jesus, how and why we worship him and anything else you want to know. Ask the Pastor; ask the person who greeted you when you came in. Ask the person in your pew.
Q. Is the church handicapped accessible?
A. Yes, please use the Somers Hall entrance.
Contact Us
Email & Phone:
10 S. Main St
Canisteo, NY 14823